/dt setdest <name> - Установить "точки" к которым могут летать драконы.
/dt remdest <name> - Удалить все "точки".
/dt mount - Сесть на дракона.
/dt dismount - Слезть с дракона.
/dt listdest - Показать используемые "точки".
/dt liststat - Показать используемые "станции".
/dt travel <name> - Направить дракона лететь на указанную "точку".
/dt sethome - Установить точку дома. (!)
/dt home - Указать дракону лететь домой. (!)
/dt stopmusic - Выключить музыку при полёте.
/dt help <1|2> - Показать список команд (1/2 страницы).
/dt setdest <name> - Sets a destination which dragon-riders can travel to.
/dt setstat <name> - Sets a station where players can mount a dragon if "UseStations:" is set to "true" in the config.
/dt remdest <name> - Removes the given destination.
/dt remstat <name> - Removes the given station.
/dt mount - Summons and mounts a dragon.
/dt listdest - Shows you a list of all available destinations.
/dt liststat - Shows you a list of all available stations.
/dt travel <name> - Lets the player's dragon fly to the given destination.
/dt ctravel <x> <y> <z> - Lets the player's dragon fly to the given coordinates.
/dt ptravel <name> - Let's the player's dragon fly to the given player.
/dt sethome - Sets the homepoint of the player.
/dt home - Mounts the player onto a dragon which automatically brings the player to his home-point.
/dt remdragons - Removes all dragons in the player's current world which do not have a rider on them.
/dt stopmusic - Stops the music which is played via Spout while a player is travelling. Only needed if the sound does not stop because of any reason.
/dt help <1|2> - Shows page 1/2 of the commandlist.